2023 Annual Report - Councils Financials are as strong as ever
Mayor Sean Dillon says, It is a fantastic result for the region, with Council returning a surplus for the second year in a row, the first time this has happened for the Barcaldine Regional Council.”
“The cash position of Council at year’s end is above $26 million, which is an increase of more than $6 million year on year. The compounding effect of additional revenue from rates, fees and charges, and interest, along with substantial increases to grant revenue, is starting to underpin a healthier cash position.”
Council’s financial result was under pinned by improved financial management initiatives looking at maximising revenue, such as revenue interest. Council operating grants increased by $3.8million which was largely due to the increases to the federal assistance grant.
In the report it highlighted the significant completion of two major Department of Transport and Main Roads contacts on the Capricorn Highway and the Barcaldine-Aramac Road and the response to the emergent flood event in January 2023.
Council during 2022/2023 made substantial steps forward in Asset Management, Workplace Health and Safety management and finalised preparations for the New Town Plan, which was adopted in August 2023.
Mayor Dillon noted there were delays in the completion of the annual financial statements audit. “While there were delays in its completion, I want to recognise the efforts by the finance team to not only complete the audit but take the time to streamline processes to ensure future audits can be completed within legislative timeframes.”
The annual report is available online at https://www.barcaldinerc.qld.gov.au/annual-report or available for pre-order at Council Offices